Essential oils for labor support
Having a baby is a really big deal! You have been growing this tiny human inside you for 9 months, preparing for the birth and getting everything ready for once baby is here! You, Mama, are doing a wonderful job! Don't forget to take care of yourself.
It doesn't matter if you are giving birth at home, at a birth center, or in a hospital, there are still many ways for essential oils to benefit, both emotionally and physically. If you've ever been curious about essential oils and how they might benefit your birthing experience, here are my top 3 oils for labor and delivery.
Clary Sage is a wonderful support for labor, especially when labor is stalled. Typically Clary Sage is avoided in pregnancy, but once you are full term and your body is ready for delivery, it is a great support. Apply to the inside of ankles or lower tummy.
Just inhaling its scent can help you feel more relaxed and calm during the birthing process.
Wild Orange is a great mood booster if you are feeling discouraged, may help a laboring mom stay focused and also help ease nausea. Plus, its like sunshine in a bottle!
Balance Blend is AMAZING in the delivery room. Its so great to diffuse along with Wild Orange for calm and focus. Also massaging moms feet and shoulders help keep her calm, balanced and focused.